Guide: How to Start a Successful Handyman Business

Starting a new business is an exciting endeavor, but it also takes a lot of organization and work. To start a handyman business, you’ll need to do the following.

Step One: Learn the Law

Running a successful business requires staying on the right side of the law. You’ll want to start your business journey by familiarizing yourself with tax, licensing, and employment laws. Tax laws are fundamental when choosing a business structure, such as whether you’ll be a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.

Step Two: Define the Scope of Work

A handyman business startup needs to decide on the scope of services it can provide. If you’re the only handyman, your services will be limited to what you know how to do. If you intend just to run the business side of things, you’ll need to decide on services based on available workers.

Step Three: Define Customer Base

Home improvement businesses have a large, reliable customer base. Anyone who owns a home will need a handyman at some point. However, you’ll still want to do market research and business planning based on the demographics of the neighborhoods surrounding your new business so you can understand what services and pricing your potential customers are looking for.

Step Four: Set Pricing

Financial management is vital to a business, so you may want to consult with a professional. Prices must cover your materials, labor, and overhead costs, but your customers may opt to DIY their problems if prices are too high. You’ll also need to adapt to industry trends.

Step Five: Obtain Licensing and Registration

Abide by legal and licensing requirements for your start before opening day.

Step Six: Insurance

Protect yourself and your workers by obtaining the correct type of insurance.

Step Seven: Market Your Business

You’ll want to name your business and devise marketing and branding strategies at this step. A solid and recognizable brand will draw in potential customers.

Step Eight: Buy Tools

You can buy tools upfront or purchase equipment and tools as you need them for specific jobs.

Step Nine: Set Up Software

Customer service and retention are a necessity. Great software can help you manage customer inquiries and your schedule.

How to Skip Steps 2-9

Handyman franchises such as Ace Handyman Services are a fantastic way to skip the complicated steps and get on a fast track to success. Ace Handyman Services has a recognizable and established brand that customers trust. They can also provide the resources and help you need to start and scale your business. They offer ongoing support to help your business adapt to industry trends. A franchise such as Ace Handyman Services makes starting and maintaining your handyman business much more accessible!

Visit Ace Handyman Services today to learn more about starting your handyman business!